As the holiday season gets rolling, its a natural chance for us to take a moment and think about the people and businesses who are important to us, and express our thanks to them in very tangible ways. It might be a holiday party for employees and associates, perhaps a card or gift basket for important clients and sources of referrals. This one time of year, we make the time to express the appreciation that we likely feel all year round, but are too busy, etc. to do much meaningful about it. This time of year is our "catch-up" time for our good tidings and feelings of appreciation.
No matter the occassion, we all like to give gifts that are remembered by others - ones whose impact on the recipient is lasting and deep. Sometimes its hard to do this for our business relationships, partly due to the time and money we have to devote to the gifts for these relationships, and sometimes because we simply don't know those people well enough to find something truly unique or special for them.
So, here's a simple idea which might help you give incredibly valuable and memorable gifts to those other businesses that are important to yours. And, best of all, its free!
As you are preparing your holiday card for each business or associate this year, take a moment and think through your network of associates, friends, mentors, customers, etc., and see if you can identify just one single person or business from amongst that vast, diverse group to refer to the recipient of that card. Now, a quick email or phone call to that person or business to see if its okay for you to include their name and contact info in the card for an after-holiday-season follow-up by the recipient, and voila, your card now includes a gift with an opportunity to provide a lasting and memorable benefit - a warm lead for future business. I can't imagine a better business-to-business gift than that.
Most of us already get enough fruitcakes and gift cards from family and friends during the holidays. Here is our chance to do something truly special for those who are most important to us in our businesses. How many of your business contacts will truly remember and deeply appreciate your gift of a high quality referral this year?
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