
Hello and thanks for checking out our little online "soapbox".

We are a pair of career entrepreneurs whose personal and professional passions centre around helping other small business owners become successful. We know from our own experiences how challenging and intimidating it can be to declare yourself an "entrepreneur" and start your own business. And, even more so, how hard it can be to maintain and grow your business once it's started.

In 2005, we created IGNITE Consulting as the vehicle through which we could better share our own experience and ideas, offering innovative training and other resources to entrepreneurs, would-be business owners, and the entities that assist and support them. IGNITE stands for Innovating, Growing, Nuturing, Inspiring & Training Entrepreneurs.

Our most recent venture (okay, not MOST recent, as this blog probably qualifies for that designation) is to write and publish a book entitled "Trucker Management: Driving your small business to success". The book will be launched in May of this year, and accompanied by different speaking and training tours across Canada and beyond, and will include literally dozens of practical resources and immediately usable tools.

In this space, we will offer different ideas and observations about many different aspects of entrepreneurship and small business ownership as they come to mind, inspired by our surroundings and interactions, and hopefully many of which others will find useful and adoptable in your own small business. Some will undoubtedly relate to the content of our book, and much of it likely won't.

So, enjoy reading - and please feel free to comment along the way!.

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