Assembling Success Toronto-Style

We had an enthusiastic group of young professionals at the JCI Central Region conference in Toronto, who came up with some creative ways to assemble their products in the "Assembling Success" exercise. In addition to having fun, they learned about allocating resources, assigning team duties, as well as aspects of communication and leadership & management. A big thanks to all for their participation!

Continuing the World Tour in 2008

For those of you keeping up with the World Tour we've been on this past year, we're not done yet! Some of the places we are trying to secure training and keynote opportunities for 2008 are:
  • Iceland
  • Malta
  • Washington, DC
  • Florida
  • North Carolina
  • Quebec City
  • Ottawa
  • London, ON
  • Winnipeg
  • Northwest Territories or Nunuvat

If you have any connections or would like to help us plan something in any of these places (or anywhere else on the globe for that matter) please let us know.

Public promises

I was in a restaurant in Belleville on Friday, and on my way to the washrooms, noticed the sign overhead, painted permanently right onto the wall, pointing the way to "Clean Washrooms".

As a customer, it was a great re-assurance that I was about to enter properly cared-for washrooms, with a permanent promise that no matter what time of day or week you went in, they were going to be clean (which they were).

As a business owner, I thought it was a great way to challenge yourself and your staff by forcing them now to deliver on a very public and permanent promise to your customers. How much of a difference do you think it makes to the staff in their care for and attention to the condition of the washrooms with that big sign overhead always promising that they will be "clean", as opposed to simply having a line in the staff manual or daily procedures checklist that the washrooms need to be kept clean?

Finding ways to publicize your business promises, so that you and your staff can see them as easily as your customers can, will help you ensure that they are top of mind, and therefore that you are constantly and continually delivering on them. What promises are you ready to post today?

Part Truck Driver, Gladiator and Mule

I can't do this entry without admitting that yes - I'm a junkie...a Starbucks junkie. Everyday I make my way to the nearest Starbucks, order my caramel macchiato and look forward to reading the inspirational quote on the cup. Today was no exception. For the last month I have been looking for inspiration for my next blog entry - and thanks to Starbucks I found one.

The quote on my cup today was #260 "Playing in an independent rock band will eventually make you equal parts truck driver, gladiator and mule. Glamour is for those with trust funds." It made me smile - sounds a lot like being an entrepreneur.

On Wednesday nights we've been teaching a class at our community college on starting a business. Just this past week we talked about the lifestyle of an entrepreneur and how especially in the early days you are a jack of trades, including the chief cook and bottle washer, I never thought to include gladiator and mule too!

The best part about the Starbucks quote is the recognition that many jobs include similar traits to that of a truck driver - you need to be able to multitask, maneuver in dangerous situations and arrive alive. Great way to think when you're running your business.