Hotel California Complex

So our International readers may not get this, but the Canadian readers sure will. The Eagles had a successful song called Hotel California. The last line is 'You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!'. Last week in Atantla I had that exact experience, and it made me think that first impressions are not the only important thing - last impressions are equally important.

As I was trying to check out of the hotel (which otherwise was exceptional), the line-up was out the door and the staff all seemed very panicked with the large crowds. Checking out took over 1/2 hr - which is the last contact I had with them and leaves a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth when I mention their name to anyone.

Then again, at the airport our flight experienced a 1 hour delay in the airport and then another hour and half delay once we boarded. Now, we can't exactly blame them for the weather (although some people tried), but there were still things they could have done better so that I wasn't so frustrated:
  • more frequent updates on the situation
  • food & beverage service
  • de-board until ready for departure
  • music or movies

Maybe the Hotel California complex is part of their tourism strategy, but I don't know if it's a good one. Lasting impressions are a combination of first and LAST impressions. What impression are you leaving your customers with?

1 comment:

Inter Kingston Web Design said...

Your last impression is really just your next first impression.