The Power of Performance

In many businesses, as the year nears an end, it's performance review time. Review of the team, the business and you the owner. I just recently finished performance reviews for my staff and although I have done several of these over the years, I actually think I got more out of giving them than I ever did on the receiving end.

As I took time to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses (opportunities right?) of each person, I would analyze where those weaknesses derived from. Was it their actions that contributed to lack of results, or did it actually come down to mis-communication or mis-expectation on my part? More often than not, as I seriously thought this through I realized that it was that the full objective of the tasks wasn't disseminated down or that the bar that they would be measured against wasn't clear. I was often expecting them to be adaptable and resilient and remain on task, but in many cases I didn't provide the tools to do so.

The power of the performance review comes in the delivery sometimes not just in the receiving end. So make sure to take the time to do a thorough review, for your staff but also for your own learning.

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