Being "Exceptional" for free

In Trucker Management, we talk about the difference between simply doing the "basics" in your business, or being "exceptional". I ran across a couple of examples of businesses being exceptional recently, which show how you can do so without it costing your business any more money.

Firstly, 21 Degrees, the company who services my furnace and air conditioning unit in my house, have a great way of answering the phone. Instead of the expected "21 Degrees, can I help you?", they answer with something along the lines of "It's a great day here at 21 Degrees. How can I make you smile today?" Something that costs absolutely no more than employees giving the "standard" greeting, but so much more effective. Every time I call them, it makes me smile just hearing them say that.

Secondly, the Waring House is a restaurant, conference centre and cookery school in Prince Edward County, west of Kingston. They are in a rural area and so have a septic bed with which they need to be careful of what waste ends up in there. In the washrooms, instead of a harshly worded warning in bold letters about what NOT to put down the toilet, instead there is a nicely decorated sign that says something like "Welcome to the country! The Waring House is serviced by a septic bed which means that only the one-ply biodegradable toilet paper provided and natural waste can pass through the toilet. Please ensure all other materials are discarded in the trash can." Instead of a stern warning, you receive a welcome, and an explanation.

What ways can you find in your business to be "exceptional", without costing any more money than being "basic" costs?


Sam said...

Very good points. In your examples, being "exceptional" had no significant associated costs, yet made a substantial difference in the perception of the business. This is a very important message for us business owners!

As they say, "the Devil's in the details".

Lindsey said...

This reminds me of one of the chapters in Gerber's eMyth Revisited when he talks about the hotel and how they had his favourite drink, a match to light the fire and his hometown newspaper at his door in the morning. Again, all small things make a big difference!