Update on Trucker Management

Things continue to progress towards the printing of our book, Trucker Management. Looks like end of June or early July, and we'll be sure to keep you posted.

We are also already working on securing dates for our "World Tour" to promote the book and offer interactive and innovative training sessions related to the book content. We already know we'll be in the Brantford/St. Catharines area in mid-June, Atlanta in late July, Manitoba and Alberta in September, and hopefully the Maritimes in October before heading to Turkey in November, with other dates and locations to be announced so keep checking in here!

For all of you who have already begin to help us find partnering organizations in each location, THANK YOU! And if you'd like to help us set our sessions up in your neck of the woods, please let us know.

Please watch this space over the coming weeks for more frequent posts, more ideas and thoughts related to small business and entrepreneurship, as well as some more hints and sneak peeks at our book content!

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